Guaranteed Performance – Upon commissioning our system will meet all your discharge requirements and we well guarantee its continued good performance as long as your plant’s waste stream stays within the parameters agreed upon by you.
Smallest Footprint in Industry – Our skid-mounted 200 GPM system occupies a minimal 207 ft2 excluding course screening and the filter press. (a fraction of that required by any conventional system) Chemical mix, sludge holding and effluent holding tanks are integral to the IWWS unit as are all pumps, controls and spares.
All Stainless Steel Construction – Eliminates corrosion and facilitates cleaning.
Multi-Point Injection Floculator – Invented by IWWS, this design ensures proper mixing of chemicals, air and influent to minimize chemical usage.
Continuous Metals Removal – Our heavy metals removal system can be incorporated into our standard industrial laundry system.
Simplified Chemical Program – Not only do we use less chemicals in terms of overall quantity, but our systems use fewer types of chemicals than competitors. For example, competitors commonly use bentonite clay to aid dewatering in a filter press. IWWS does not need clay and we therefore produce less solids that are dryer.
Simplified Operation – The IWWS system is designed to minimize operator involvement. The waste treatment operator only needs to set the system for each shift’s operations and then monitor the system in case the plant creates a large upset. Even in upset conditions, the system is easily adjusted.
Our design also eliminates the need for a PLC through a robust design that accommodates normal variations in the waste stream without the need to continuously change valve and pump settings.